Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Street Lawyer by Jhon Grisham

Michael Brock is a lawyer working his way to the top in Drake&Sweeny law firm. His fast paced life kept him goingnot realizing how much he missed out on. Until the he was held hostage with a co-worker by a homeless guy, not knowing what he wanted or what would happen.
After several hoursthe homeless guy was shot by a police sniper, which sared everyone. Michael was the closest to the guy and for a second thought that he had been shot also. He was covered in bloob and body fluids from the homeless guy. After this incident he began wondering if he was the right job and about his home life.
He decided to become a street lawyer and after telling his wife his decision to take a job with less money and no benefits they became seperated and she then filed for a divorce. He began searching and realised the compay he worked forhad illegally evicted homeless people from a building and this caused death to some. He worked hard to provethis and in the Drake & Sweeney realized the mistake, fired the lawyer who done this and began helping Michael Brock help the homeless.